We are proud of our quick turnaround policy which ensures that work is done on a timely basis.

The professional services we provide to our clients include:

Assurance engagements (Review engagements)

Review engagements provide a moderate level assurance. On a review engagement, we will attach a more detailed report to the financial statements. In the preparation of a review engagement to be attached to the client’s financial statement, much more analysis, inquiry and disclosure are required of the accountant. This type of engagement is usually required by the financial institutions.

Notice to Reader engagements

The financial statements play a very important role in the management of your business as they provide a complete picture of the performance of your business during a period. We professionally prepare the financial statements for you, using the information provided by you.


AgriStability is a business risk management program, designed to provide financial support when producers incur large financial losses. We prepare and file the information on your behalf required for the Agristability program.

Business advisory

We go beyond numbers and provide you with professional and business advice that you need to grow and operate your business efficiently.

Preparation of personal and corporate tax returns

We professionally prepare your personal and corporate tax returns and ensure that you get the maximum tax savings available.

Tax planning

We analyze your financial situation and provide you with a tax plan to ensure you achieve maximum tax savings available to you.


We will assist you with the recording of your day to day business transactions accurately.

Assistance with CRA audits

We assist you with dealing with CRA in case of an audit.


We prepare and file your GST/PST WCB and Employer Health Tax returns.

Payroll and T4/T5 preparation

We prepare your payroll and T4/T5 slips.